

Belotero is a cutting-edge dermal filler that offers natural-looking results for a range of aesthetic concerns. Composed of hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in the skin, Belotero effectively fills in wrinkles and adds volume. With its advanced technology and versatility, Belotero precisely targets specific areas, including under the eyes, lips, and other facial lines. Our experienced practitioners skillfully administer Belotero treatments to help you achieve a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance. Embrace the beauty-enhancing benefits of Belotero and reveal your radiance with confidence.


Under Eye Rejuvenation

Belotero can be skillfully injected to address hollowed or sunken under eyes, reducing the appearance of dark circles and restoring a more youthful and refreshed look. Reclaim a vibrant and well-rested appearance with natural-looking results.

Natural-Looking Lip Enhancement

Belotero offers a solution to enhance the lips, providing subtle volume and definition. Say goodbye to thin or asymmetrical lips and hello to beautifully enhanced and balanced lip contours.

Smoothing of
Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Belotero is excellent for softening and smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles. Whether it's to help reduce the appearance of crow's feet, marionette lines, or lip lines, Belotero can help restore a more youthful and rejuvenated look, with subtle and natural-looking results.


  • Absolutely. Belotero is FDA-approved and has undergone rigorous testing to ensure its safety and effectiveness. Our experienced aestheticians administer Belotero injections with precision and care, prioritizing your safety and well-being.

  • The longevity of Belotero results can vary depending on individual factors. However, many clients experience results that last six months or longer. Periodic touch-up treatments can help maintain the desired enhancement.

  • Belotero injections are generally safe, but like any cosmetic treatment, there are potential side effects and risks. Common side effects include swelling, redness, or bruising at the injection site, which typically resolve within a few days. More rare but potential risks include allergic reactions, lumps, bumps, or asymmetry. Vascular occlusion (VO), though uncommon, is another risk where the injected material accidentally enters a blood vessel. It's essential to know that our team of skilled medical providers have extensive training in anatomy and injection techniques, enabling them to minimize these risks effectively. They are also well-prepared to handle any complications promptly and properly. We will provide comprehensive aftercare instructions to aid your recovery and ensure optimal results.

  • Yes. Belotero is an excellent choice for lip augmentation, providing natural-looking volume and definition. Our expert nurse injectors will evaluate your unique requirements and tailor a treatment strategy to accomplish your lip enhancement goals.

  • To prepare for your Belotero injections, it's important to ensure your skin is clean and free of makeup. Also, avoid blood-thinning substances such as aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, fish oil, and alcohol for at least one week prior to your appointment, as these can increase the risk of bruising.